The PVC is because I'm building something to drape bird netting over to protect my blackberries.
This bed has cucumbers on the back row. The 8 squares on the right are cauliflower. The 8 on the left are spinach that never came up. I planted them in mid March because they're cool weather crops. I just reseeded them so hopefully I'll have better luck now.
The back row of this bed is kale which I planted 2 months ago and they are still tiny. Something's wrong, I just don't know what. The big plants are broccoli that are doing fine. The 6 squares at the front are lettuces that have not done well.
This is another disappointing bed. The pumpkins are doing ok but the watermelon isn't. Those two I'll be growing up the trellis. There are things growing in each square but you can't really see them in this picture. Carrots, kale, etc.
Another disappointing bed. 5 tomatoes. 3 that will grow up the trellis. 2 in cages. Even though I planted these after our last frost date, it frosted at least once more after that and rained too much. I may pull these out and start again.
This bed is growing slowly but surely. In the middle is a skyscraper sunflower that should reach 12-15'! On the left are 2 zucchini plants. On the right, two squash. The cardboard is to keep weeds down and the cages are to train to enormous leaves upward. This will make the squash easier to see. The 2 plastic containers right above it are carrots and arugula seeded.
This bed is doing ok. The top row is pumpkin and cantaloupe which will grow up the trellis. Then red onions, yellow onions. Bell peppers (caged because these tend to droop from the weight of the peppers). I had to reseed the jalapenos. They never came up. I may have buried the seed too deep.
The containers at the bottom are stevia and fennel. This bed was planted in mid March will all cool weather crops. It's been disappointing so far. :(
This bed is doing great. The top half is 1st year asparagus (which you don't pick year 1). The bottom left quarter is garlic. To the right is celery and arugula. The containers up top are celery I'm regrowing from organic store-bought. The bottom container is chocolate mint. The two plastic containers on the right are kale.
My strawberry bed with bird netting over it.
Looks like my strawberries will be ready soon.
Another very disappointing bed. The 2 upper right are sweet potatoes (which will grow up the trellis). There's something in each square but they're too small to show up in this pic and I planted them 2 months ago. Grrrr! Left of the bed is a tomato in a container.
Random pic from my patio.
I built a grape vine trellis next to my driveway.
There are even little grapes.
Either the birds or squirrels kept digging up my sunflower seeds that I started in big pots. This time I'm outsmarting them with a little protection.